Man Fast by Natasha Scripture

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Lately I've found myself picking up memoirs more often, especially between heavy fiction reads or too many fantasy stories, as a palette cleanser. I find that reading a memoir helps me look outside of my own life story, live in someone else's shoes for a short time and also expand my heart towards others with different experiences and life stories. I've found this genre to be interesting as I've gotten older as well. Ive enjoyed finding memoirs that touch on feelings I've experienced in the past. Its like finding a new friend to connect with over coffee.

When I stumbled upon Man Fast by Natasha Scripture, I was instantly intrigued. As someone who married young (and my first boyfriend at that!) I can appreciate these feelings of unsettledness and feeling pressured to "find a boyfriend, get married". While I suppose I did those things somewhat easily ten years ago, I find myself more and more listening to younger girls talk about their struggles with this push and pull of feelings. Who to marry, when and why and should there be children or fulfilling jobs...etc. What I admire most about Natasha is that she took her life in her own hands, traveling the world by herself so she could really KNOW herself. In the spirit of other memoirists, Natasha's journey left me feeling like the truest way to figure out your purpose on this planet is to spend time with yourself. Maybe it doesn't need to be on a safari in Tanzania but it does need to be quiet. Without the influences of those around you and in a space where you can think and be who you are. As a mother of small children, this feels especially enticing.

Following Natasha on her journey made for an enjoyable reading experience. I especially liked that she included memories of her childhood, stories of the marriages in her family and the women in her family, which gave me a sense of who Natasha was and also what influences these things may have had on her up to the point of taking this journey.

If you're interested, check out Man Fast by Nastasha Scripture here and don't forget to check out the other titles from Amazon Publishing! I love finding new titles by following them on IG at @amazonpublishing. 


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