Horse by Talley English

Thank you to the publisher for my copy. All opinions are my own.

When I started Horse by Talley English I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. I had given a few reviews a cursory glance, mostly out of curiosity, but wanted to give myself the chance to read it and see for myself. What I found, surprisingly, was how quickly the writing swept me away. In all honesty, if I was to give you a play by play of the events in the story you might wonder, "Why should I take the time to read this?". And I'm not sure if I can put my finger on what it is, other than the writing and the voice of the main character Teagan both of which truly captivated me.

Something about Teagan's narrative really resonated with me. I think it may have sparked some connection with my own inner voice as a teenager or the writing presented it in such a way that I was able to really connect with Teagan. I found myself putting the book down to run errands or make dinner and then easily getting back into the story once I picked it up again later. I have a hard time doing this with stories that are character driven, it usually takes me a bit of time to get back into them. I had no problem finding my way back into Teagan's narrative which gave me the incentive to keep reading.

I really have no experience with horses or the deep connection between a horse and her rider, so I will admit there were a few scenes were the descriptions of the care and detail of training felt a bit long. I read through these sections, albeit quickly, because Teagan's relationship with her horse Ian is written in such a complex way that it made Ian really a solid character in the story. I won't give any spoilers but he became such an important part of her life while everything else felt confusing and lost to her.

This book isn't one I normally would have made a priority to read, but I am glad I did. I enjoyed Talley English's writing and look forward to seeing more from her as she grows as an author.

Thank you Aaknopf of my free copy!


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